About Us


know about us

Vedhagama is an Astrological organization started in India with main operations in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Founded by a team of Astrologers, our mission is to intensify every person’s life by providing exceptional astrological services and remedial homam rituals. Our broad array of services helps individuals, families, and businesses, in numerous aspects. Our vision is to provide guidance to millennials seeking incomprehensible spiritual solutions to meet their mental and spiritual wellness.

Our worldwide network of customers and astrologers provides world-class authentic and genuine services. Our astrology predictions are very detailed and accurate, our realistic and practical approach provides you with tremendous changes in the areas of finance, relationship, career, spirituality, health, business, children/family, and travel.

We want may all should lead happy, healthy, and auspicious life.

Homams and poojas are accessible online as well as offline for the worldwide audience.